(Vinter Brian) (12/16/90)
Hi netters, I'm writing a Libary system in Modula2 running under UNIX, and my problem is as follows: From time to time users of the system is to use the mail facility in UNIX, and to make this as comfortable as possible I'd like to use emacs as editor for the letters. I use POpen to access emacs my code is as follows: MODULE test; FROM UnixStdio IMPORT POpen,StdOut,PClose,StdErr,StdIn,Stream, FDOpen, FOpen, GetChar, PutC; FROM InOut IMPORT WriteString; FROM Files IMPORT File,Create,textMode,replace,FileState; FROM Terminal IMPORT SetEditMode, SetEchoMode, Tmode; VAR b1,b2 : BOOLEAN; status : FileState; stream : Stream; ch : CHAR; BEGIN b1:= FOpen("letter.txt","r+",stream); b1:= POpen("emacs letter.txt","w",stream); b2:= PClose(stream); IF bol THEN WriteString("Opend") ELSE WriteString("Not opend") END; IF b2 THEN WriteString("Closed") ELSE WriteString("close failed"); END; END test. The problem is: emacs starts up nicely and because of the hybrid with r+ and w it also retrieves chars allright, but it refuses to retrieve control sequences so I'm stock. The alternative is is to ask the user to wait 3 min. after ending his letter, and then kill the job and use the backupfile, but that wont give me an A -:). So if anybody got an idea how to do it, please give me a hint - as I have to deliver th program on friday the 21 Dec. Thanks in advance vinter alias Brian Vinter comp. ing. stud.