Dick.Ezzard.@.914/201@f8.n10.z1.fidonet.org (Dick Ezzard @ 914/201) (12/24/90)
[More Modula-2 books, continued from preceding message] [Modula-2 books list, Part 2] Schiper, Andre; translated by Jack Howlett. Concurrent programming : illustrated with examples in Portal, Modula-2, and Ada New York : Halsted Press, c1989. Riley, David D., Data Abstraction and Structures : an introduction to computer science II Boston : Boyd & Fraser Pub. Co., c1987. Nyhoff, Larry and Sanford Leestma Data Structures & Advanced Programming in Modula-2 Macmillan, 1990 Sincovec, Richard F. & Richard S. Wiener. Data structures using Modula--2 Wiley, c1986. Jones, William C. Jr. Data structures using Modula-2 Wiley, c1988. Stubbs, Daniel F. & Neil W. Webre Data structures with abstract data types and Modula-2 Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1987 Feldman, Michael B. Data structures with Modula-2 Prentice Hall, c1988. Wiatrowski, Claude A. & Richard S. Wiener From C to Modula-2--and back, bridging the language gap Wiley, c1987. Welsh, Jim & John Elder Introduction to Modula-2 Prentice-Hall, c1987. Chirlian, Paul M. Introduction to Modula-2 Beaverton, Or. : Matrix Publishers, c1984. Ural, Saim & Suzan Ural Introduction to programming with Modula-2 Harper & Row, c1987. Greenfield, Stuart B. Invitation to MODULA-2 Petrocelli Books, c1985. [End part 2] # Origin: REG_10_SDSCoord 1:125/41 415- 621- 2609 HST/V.32 (RBBS 8:914/201.0) -- uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!10!8!Dick.Ezzard.@.914/201 Internet: Dick.Ezzard.@.914/201@f8.n10.z1.fidonet.org