[comp.lang.modula2] Modula2 for Macintosh - Which one should I buy?

d90-mwd@sm.luth.se (Michael Westlund) (02/04/91)

I've been looking for a Modula-2 version for the Macintosh. I've found two, in
the pricelist of APDA. They are p1 Modula-2 (v4.1) and MetroWerks Modula-2 (MPW
Edition). Unfortunately, I haven't found anyone with the slightest knowledge
about them. Before I throw out $400 on a program, I'd like to know what it is.
Right now there's 50% chance that I choose the better one... Or are they both

Have any of you out there tried one of them, or maybe even some other version
that I should know about? Please let me know. All comments are welcome!

Please reply by e-mail. If there is any interest for it, I'll summarize the
replies and post them here.

	/ Mike
| Michael Westlund     | c/o Rocklin     | Voice natl.  0920 - 132 91   |
| University of Luleaa | Lingonstigen 77 |       intl. +46 920 132 91   |
| SWEDEN               | S-951 55 Luleaa | Internet: d90-mwd@sm.luth.se |