[comp.lang.modula2] Modula-2 bindings to XVT

yse@minster.york.ac.uk (05/31/91)

I am trying to build a set of modula-2 bindings to the XVT C graphics library
under MS-DOS (Windows-3). I am using JPI Topspeed modula-2 (the XVT graphics
library has been compiled using a Microsoft C compiler). I am having a few
problems - anyone out there in netland tried to do the same? I would
love to swop experiences.

# David Jordan                                                                 #
# York Software Engineering Limited                                            #
# University of York                                                           #
# York YO1 5DD                                                                 #
# England                                                                      #
#                                                                              #
# Phone:  +44 (0)904 433741                                                    #
# Fax:    +44 (0)904 433744                                                    #
# E-mail: yse@uk.ac.york.minster                                               #