(Michael Carroll) (05/18/91)
There are a couple of packages called Solid Windows and Solid Windows Professional for user interface design for Modula-2 programs. They're from Solid Software in Cincinnati. I have their promotional literature but have never seen a review or talked to anyone who's used them. If you have any experience with them I'd appreciate hearing about it, either on the bulletin board or via e-mail. Thanks! Mike Carroll br.mjc@rlg.bitnet (Fred van.der.Windt) (05/22/91)
> > MC> There are a couple of packages called Solid Windows and > Solid > MC> Windows Professional for user interface design for > Modula-2 > MC> programs. They're from Solid Software in Cincinnati. > > I have used their B+tree toolkit, and it was pretty good. > Look at their Windowing stuff, but didn't by it. Where can I get these products? Can you give me an address and phonenumber? Fred! -- uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!2!512!106!Fred.van.der.Windt Internet: (Kaare Rasmussen) (05/25/91)
Hi Mark MB> I have the extended edition, and was wondering if anyone else got MB> theirs, and can't find the TSR portion of the TechKit? Received mine yesterday. TST is if I recall correct in TS\EXAMPLES. Regards Kaare -- uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!2!231!15!Kaare.Rasmussen Internet: (Frank Warren) (05/31/91)
I bought Solid Windows and don't like it. At $150 it's overpriced and underpowered for what it is. It's quick enough, but very incomplete in my viewpoint. Another opinion, for what it's worth. They do offer a 30 day trial period so don't be entirely dissueded from looking at it. V3...hmm...I still wish it was more V1-like. It's become too MS-like for my tastes even if it is higher quality work in its latest incarnation. -- uucp: uunet!m2xenix!puddle!161!42!Frank.Warren Internet: