[comp.lang.modula2] arguments for modula2

s861019@minyos.xx.rmit.oz.au (George Seremetidis) (06/14/91)

     The company I work for will be upgrading hardware and software in 
the future. They run real time systems which are heavy on transactions
(big money). I am a modula2 user and would like to see them take this
direction if possible and will be preparing a paper to try and convince
them to do so.

     Can anyone refer me to papers and/or books that relate to advocacy
of modula2 over other languages, particularly C, in relation to a large
real time system, or even provide me with arguments themselves.

     Could people also please tell me about the availibility of modula2
under mainstream OS's eg UNIX, etc, and and any well known big systems that
are written in modula2.

     Finally what is modula2's stability like? ie are there standards and
how final are they ?
    Thanks in advance

|  George Seremetidis                  | The opinions are entirely mine.    |
|  Call Guru Meditation BBS 03 3753438 | NOT those of RMIT necessarily.     |

MDORMAN1@UA1VM.BITNET (Mike Dorman) (06/18/91)

There was a Doctor Dobbs (it came out in the last year--I don't know the
exact issue) which had an article by a group of scientists (or their
support staff) which talked about their experiences moving to Modula 2.

It talked a lot about the benefits of being able to specify standard
interfaces in .DEF files, and then making the actual code hidden.


: Michael Alan Dorman   :                                                     :
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