josh%ILJCT.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.EDU (05/07/87)
Ladies and Gentlemen and New Yorkers of all ages, After receiving my TUG Lines issue #15, I tried out the routines for accessing the EGA. To put the computer in to EGA graphics mode, AX was set to $10, followed by a call to interrupt $10. To plot a point, the following procedure was included: type regpack = record ax,bx,cx,dx,bp,si,di,ds,es,flags: integer; end; var regset: regpack; Procedure Eplot(x,y,color: integer); Begin with regset do begin bx:=0; dx:=y; cx:=x; ax:=$0C00 + color; end; intr($10,regset); end; Well to make a long story short, I can only get 4 colors going. Not only that, but I gotta plug in strange values for "color" to get them. How the heck do those folks at Microsoft get more than 4 colors into WINDOWS? I am stumped. Any suggestions? Thanks. Joshua D. Males Jerusalem College of Technology 21 Rechov HaVaad HaLeumi Givat Mordechai, Jerusalem Israel 91160 JOSH@ILJCT (Bitnet)