[comp.lang.pascal] Turbo inline code

bk19#@andrew.cmu.edu (Bradley D. Keister) (05/15/87)

To: outnews#ext.nn.comp.lang.pascal@andrew.cmu.edu

I'm having trouble getting a Turbo inline procedure to find the parameters
passed to it. The procedure is an attempt to produce a hardcopy of a Hercules
graphics display without resetting the printer at the end (as the Hercules Co
version does) and is not as slow as what comes with the Graphix ToolBox, and
will allow for printing part of the screen. I've dimensioned an array for a
single print line (8 bits high) in a calling procedure (NOT in the main
program) which then calls the inline code to map the bits into this array.
The Turbo Reference Manual states that local variables are placed in the
stack with an offset relative to the BP register. That's fine, but the
contents of BP changes when one procedure calls another. I've tried using
variable parameter passing and other approaches short of transferring the
entire array to the inline code (which tends to defeat the purpose of it),
but the array never is where I think it is. I'm not very experienced with PC
Assembler, but the inline code comes from an assembly version which I got to
run correctly. It simply sets BP to the bottom of the stack segment and is
never changed. My questions are:

1.	How do I locate (a) local variables; (b) variable parameters; (c)
value parameters which are passed from a procedure which itself is not the
main program? If the calling program passes a segment address and an offset,
to what does the offset refer? It would be nice to be able to locate the
parameters without having to draw a memory map of all of the variables

2.	Is there a difference between scalars and (the first byte of)
arrays in any of the above?

A simple program which illustrates the correct procedures would be most

On a related matter, I'm also working on the inline code for printing the
graphics directly, rather than using the Turbo write procedure. I've noticed
that both the Graphix HardCopy is considerably slowed down by writing to LST
(which requires that each byte be converted to char type, because LST is
apparently automatically a text file). Also, the Turbo version of UUDECODE is
considerably slower than the compiled C version, and it also relies of
writing to a text file one byte at a time. Is there a way within Turbo to
force buffered I/O and override the conversion of type between "byte" and