ZRWA001%DTUZDV1.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.EDU (09/24/87)
Turbo pascal keeps the file handle in the filevariable. Example: instead of VAR DAT:FILE OF ... you can write: VAR DAT:RECORD CASE INTEGER OF 1:(FIL:FILE OF ...); 2:(HANDLE:INTEGER; RECORDLENGTH:INTEGER; BUFFEROFFSET:INTEGER; BUFFERLENGTH:INTEGER; BUFFERPOINTER:INTEGER; BUFFEREND:INTEGER; PATH:ARRAY12..75!OF CHAR;); where HANDLE is the file handle used by DOS or $FFFF if file is closed and PATH is an ASCIIZ string of the full filename. When you close a file with the DOS call you have to set the HANDLE in the file variable to $FFFF and perhaps the BUFFERPOINTER to BUFFEROFFSET. I hope this helps but I haven't tested this. Helmut (ZRWA001@DTUZDV1.BITNET) P.S. What's about INFO-PASCAL BITNET side after the shutdown of WISCVM ??