[comp.lang.pascal] Orca Pascal code substitute for IOError


Following Orca Pascal source code can be used to substitute for the UCSD
Pascal IOError function.  It provides additional functionality because,
assuming that the requested file DCB is found, then file DCB information can
be examined.  For example, the code below will "reject" a DCB even if found if
it is not an Appleworks word processor file (filetype $1A).

The function "Find_File_DCB" will return a "TRUE" if the requested DCB is
found or "FALSE" if not found.  Call the function by coding the function name
with the desired file name passed as a formal parameter inside parentheses.
Example:  If find_file_DCB(file_name_desired_goes_here) then {found the file}
               else {did not find the file};

   file_name_string = string[64];

   in_file_name:                   file_name_string;

function Find_File_DCB (file_wanted: file_name_string): boolean;
   pString = record
       len: byte;
       name: string[255];
   pStringPtr = ^pString;
   getFileInfoDCB = record
       pathName: pStringPtr;
       access, fileType: integer;
       auxTypeOrTotalBlocks: longint;
       storageType, createDate, createTime, modDate, modTime: integer;
       blocksUsed: longint;
   getFileInfoDCBPtr = ^getFileInfoDCB;
   trial_input_file_name_record:   getFileInfoDCBPtr;
   trial_input_file_name:          pStringPtr;

function Get_File_Info (var parms: getFileInfoDCB): integer; prodos (6);

begin  {Find_File_DCB}
with trial_input_file_name^ do begin
   len := length(file_wanted);
   name := file_wanted end;
trial_input_file_name_record^.pathName := trial_input_file_name;
Find_File_DCB := (get_file_info(trial_input_file_name_record^) = 0)
   and (trial_input_file_name_record^.fileType = $1A)  {AWP is $1A}
end;   {Find_File_DCB}


   in_file_name := '';
   write('Please provide an AWP input filename? ');
   {following used to strip leading/following blanks to ensure legal names}
   while (length(in_file_name) > 0) and (in_file_name[1] = ' ') do
       delete(in_file_name,1,1);   {strip pre and post blanks}
   while (length(in_file_name) > 0) and
       (in_file_name[length(in_file_name)] = ' ') do
   if in_file_name = 'quit' then halt(0);  {in case you want to exit early}
   until Find_File_DCB(in_file_name);
reset(in_file,in_file_name);   {guaranteed file exists by this time}


If desired, it would be relatively simple to make this into a 'USES' file,
assuming one did not need to easily change the code.

Hope this helps the porting business,
Bud Huber