ACESTAB%HUTRUU0.BITNET@wiscvm.wisc.EDU (11/25/87)
Hello out there, i really get tired reading all those messages about speed, how much to pay for getting your copy through first, second or whatever class of mail. I'm sick of those messages. PLEASE KEEP TO THE POINT. This is not a nonsens list but a Pascal-list in case you didn't know. For the politeness of the net i hereby add the word FLAME, as i become hating this list every time i logon to my sytem and see twenty nonsens-messages. Thank you for your attention; b.t.w. this is my very own opinion. please send your reactions *NOT* to this list (same effect) but directly to me. I will collect the numeber of the reactions and report back to this list. sincerely yours and very angry Bert Stals ACESTAB@HUTRUU0.BITNET Academic Computer Centre Utrecht