[comp.lang.pascal] What's in next Turbo Pascal release

lowey@sask.UUCP (Kevin Lowey) (03/02/88)


  I've been following the conversation in COMP.LANG.PASCAL about how Turbo
Pascal does not create .OBJ files.  The current version doesn't, but 
according to the following message which appeared on my Fidonet system,
the next release will.  I thought current pascal owners may be interested
in seeing whats comming.  

  Personally I think these features should have been in the current 4.0 
release of Turbo, and I'm going to be darned upset if they ask me to pay 
another $40 to upgrade to this new version.

Kevin Lowey -- University of Saskatchewan Computing Services

====================== Fidonet mail follows ===========================
TO: All
FROM: George Gobel
SUBJECT: next Turbo Pascal release

I just received a beta copy of Turbo Pascal 4.1 (or, more
likely, 5.0)  Here are some of the enhancements.
It still uses .TPU files normally, as .TPU files enable smart
linking and procedure parameters checking across units.  However
.OBJ files are optional.  When generating .OBJ files, it can
optionally add CodeView compatable symbol/line number data. 
However, CodeView does not yet have the Pascal expression
evaluator.  I have had satisfactory results so far telling
Codeview that I am using BASIC. (Not C as C is case sensitive.)
It can generate processor specific code for the 186, 286 and 386.
 The 386 option generates 80386 32 bit code for LongInt math.
It has an environment pull down window.  The default is DOS,
which, like the next version of Microsoft compiler products,
runs under DOS and OS/2.  The second Environment option is OS/2
specific.  In this mode, it operates with sixteen megabytes of
address space and insists on generating 286 or 386 code. 
There is also WINDOWS option on the Environment pull down window,
but is so far not implemented. 
8087 floating point operations are emulated if compiled with 8087
off.  Old Turbo 6-byte reals are now treated as a foreign data
type, with conversions available.  A variable defined as REAL is
now the same as SINGLE.  If you wish to deal with files with old
reals, change their definition to REAL6BYTE.  If you do any math
with a REAL6BYTE variable, it must convert to and from either
SINGLE or DOUBLE, depending on the setting of a new compiler
directive.  If you choose single, the overall speed, including
conversion, is fairly comperable to Turbo 4.0.
It includes a COM library unit that can simultaneously operate
up to four COM ports, bidirectionally interupt driven, at speeds
up to 19,200 baud.  It doesn't work too well past 2400 to 4800
baud when used under OS/2.  They may recomend not using this unit
under OS/2.
Editor now supports UNIX-like regular expression search and
replace.  Also supports multiple source windows.  No macros,
presumably they still feel Superkey is satisfactory.
OVERLAYs have been reimplemented.  Its smart overlay linker
works like PLINK in that it will load into memory as many
overlays as memory is available, to speed execution on machines
with sufficient memory.  It keeps all the overlays in the .EXE
file instead of having a bunch of overlay files.
It does not yet work with the Beta version of Borland's debugger.
 In addition, it showed expected Beta release bugs, such as
instability in the OS/2 environment.  Generation of OS/2 style
.OBJ files is not yet implemented.  However, this really should
be the product to watch when it finally comes out.
 * Origin: The OILPATCH Opus=> To 19,200 Baud, Houston, Texas (Opus 1:106/504)

===================== End of FIDONET message =========================
| Kevin Lowey                    |The above is the personal opinion of Kevin |
| University of Saskatchewan     |Lowey.  It does not reflect the position of|
| Computing Services             |the University of Saskatchewan in any way. |
| SaskTel: (306) 966-4826        |                                           |
| Bitnet:LOWEY@SASK. (preferred) |I am in no way affiliated with any of the  |
| UUCP:    ihnp4!sask!lowey.uucp |above mentioned companies other than U of S|