[comp.lang.pascal] Turbo Modula-2

Robert_V._Muckley.henr801E@Xerox.COM (11/05/87)

>Also, does anyone know if bordland has a modula-2 compiler ?  I asked on
>other modula-2 conf and no one has responded.

Borland did indeed develop Turbo Modula-2 (I've seen a Beta test version).
However, Borland decided not to market it, for whatever reasons.  Instead,
they sold it to a company called Echelon, who now markets it.  Echelon still
calls it Turbo Modula-2, but I don't know it they retained the Borland "look
and feel".  Also, I believe that Turbo Modula-2 is available for CP/M only.


abp@j.cc.purdue.edu (Jeffrey J Wieland) (01/08/88)

I called Echelon yesterday (1/6/88) to inquire about my order for Turbo
Modula-2.  They said they were holding back shipments until February because
Borland had agreed to take it back and FIX THE BUGS!!  Echelon had been trying
to either get the source from Borland or to Borland to fix it itself.  There
are apparently eight bugs.

				Jeff Wieland

wieland@ea.ecn.purdue.edu (Jeffrey J Wieland) (03/12/88)

I called Echelon this afternoon (3/11) to check on the status of my order
for Turbo Modula-2 for CP/M-80.  I was told that the new version with the
bug fixes is due back from Borland "by the end of the month".  In early
February, I was told that it was due back by the end of February.  And
when I called in late December, I was told that the reason that my order
(sent in late November) had not shipped was because the manuals were being
reprinted.  The shipping date was then placed in mid-January.

Echelon also said that it probably would be useless to call Borland
direct, as they would deny all knowledge of this product.

Since Echelon has not cashed my check yet, I don't harbor any ill will
towards them.  It sure is annoying, though.

			Jeff Wieland