[comp.lang.pascal] TP4 graphics query ...

SCCS6058@iruccvax.ucc.ie (03/23/88)

others use a different notation, XOR mode is when a pixel, with current color
A, is to be replotted with color B. Two methods can be used: SET and XOR mode.
SET mode is when the pixel is given color B, however XOR mode uses the
following method: Bitwise XOR the codes for A and B to obtain code for color
C, then plot the pixel with color C.). As far as I am aware TP4 only plots
in SET mode, and does not allow the use of XOR mode.

   Would be grateful for any help on this, as it causes some problems.
Please mail me direct to the address below (if you cannot mail to the BITNET
then mail to this list), all help welcome. Will forward replys to anyone
interested, just mail and ask.
                                                Thanks a lot in advance,
                                                    Aidan Delaney
