RWMIRA01@ULKYVX.BITNET (Rob Miracle) (03/24/88)
This is a follow up to my previous posting. 1) The MACRO routine posted does not flush the output buffers as I suspected. I seem to remember haveing to do my writes with QIO to get around the problem. 2) In my previous message it sounded like I hated BASIC. Actually I write a go deal of my software in BASIC because it is the best language for using system services from. I stand behind my statement about VAX BASIC being slow. If you compile an identical Pascal and BASIC program: Pascal Basic FOR I := 1 TO 10 DO FOR I% = 1% TO 10% Writeln(I); PRINT I% NEXT I% with the /LIST/MACHINE qualifiers, the MACRO code is listed in the listing. You can see that the BASIC code makes additional calls to run-time librarys and uses more statements than Pascal. (In the Pascal version above I is declared as Integer). I appoligize about the delay in posting to Comp.os.vms. I did not notice that it was cross posted until I tried to find the message with the MACRO code. Rob Miracle Programmer/Analyst-II University of Louisville RWMIRA01@ULKYVX.BITNET