(David Kirschbaum) (06/17/88)
Gary Bushey (uvm-gen!opergb) requested a way to do a BLOAD equivalent in Turbo Pascal 4.0. Can't positively solve that (no TP 4.0, only 3.1), but here's BLOAD.PAS (for TP 3.0, I believe) from SIMTEL20's PD1:<MSDOS.TURBOPAS> directory archive: program bload_demo; {A program to demonstrate how to load files saved the Basic BSAVE } {command into Turbo Pascal for display. } {By William Hersh, MD. } {Not copyrighted. Released to the public domain for all use. } type newpage=array[1..16512] of byte; {array of byte to hold screen } page=record {array to hold BSAVE'd file with } hdr: array[0..7] of byte; { special location for first } scr: newpage; { 8 attribute bytes } end; str14=string[14]; var grpage: newpage absolute $B800:$0000; {screen location to write to } pageholder: page; {holder for all of BSAVE'd file } fileholder: file of page; {file variable } filename: str14; {file name } procedure bload(filename: str14); begin assign(fileholder,filename); {open and } reset(fileholder); { reset file } read(fileholder,pageholder); {read BSAVE'd screen to pageholder} close(fileholder); {close file } grpage:=pageholder.scr; {move picture into screen memory } end; { stripped of first 7 bytes } begin {main program} clrscr; gotoxy(1,5); write('Name of BSAVE''d graphics file? '); read(filename); graphcolormode; bload(filename); repeat until keypressed; end. David Kirschbaum Toad Hall kirsch@braggvax.ARPA