[comp.lang.pascal] More printer status questions for TP4

taylorj@byuvax.bitnet (06/24/88)

Before I begin printing from Turbo Pascal 4.0, I can find out if the printer
is ready, a com port is available, etc.  Now the question is, how can I
find out the printer status WHILE PRINTING??

For example, if the printer runs out of paper and there is no more, you're
out of luck because Turbo is frozen up and there's no way for it to know
you want to cancel printing.

I have a few vague ideas of having some sort of timer interrupt checking
current status, but I'd like to see if anyone knows of an easier way or
has any advice before I go spelunking into the depths of the BIOS jungle.

Jim Taylor
Microcomputer Support for Curriculum, Brigham Young University

Michael_Krause.ROCH@xerox.com (06/30/88)

I'm using TP4 / MicroStar (Editors Toolbox) INT24 routine to disable / enable
Interrupt 24 (Critical Error Handler) around my print jobs.  Depending on your
needs you could turn Int24 off / on around each character, line or block sent to
the printer.
