[comp.lang.pascal] Turbo Access 4.0

mitch@arcturus.UUCP (Mitchell S. Gorman) (11/15/88)

	Hi gang!  I've been having a little problem (with TA4), but I think I
may have discovered the fix, so I thought I'd drop the world a little note to 
see if anybody else has encountered this.

	It seems that the DeleteRec procedure has got a wee buggy in it.  When
I deleted some records in a database (two key files, no dups in either one), and
then stepped thru the file, somehow the "deleted" records mysteriously reap-
peared!  Now, I don't know about anyone else, but when I delete some info from a
database, I *expect* it to _stay_deleted_!!!  TA$, however, had other ideas.
(***Sigh!***  Time to dig...)

	Looking in the source, I noticed that a call to the GetRec procedure
at the beginning of the DeleteRec routine had been commented out.  I don't 
recall having done that, no-one else has been messin' with my stuff (better
not!!), and I don't remember if that's how it was when I got it, so I just
put it back into the code uncommented.  Voila!!  It SEEMS that that fixed the
problem.  I haven't done a WHOLE lot of testing on it, 'cuz I was kinda pressed
for time, but I'm pretty sure that that'll cure it.

	If YOU have been noticing bugs related to deleting records with TA4,
take a minute and look for this.  Of course, if it was only MY version of TA4
that had this problem (for whatever reason), then you never should've bothered
to read this posting, huh?!

	If anyone else is using TA4, and has noticed any other bugs that a 
developer should be aware of, please post some info!  I use the database toolbox
quite a bit, and I need to know this kind of stuff.

	Thanks for your support.

		Mitch @ Rockwell, Anaheim

Disclaimer:	I don't work for Borland, I work for Rockwell.  If you
		had looked just above the disclaimer to begin with, you'd've
		known that!  Don't bother me!!

	   On hills of long-forgotten yesterdays;
	   amongst your mem'ries told returning ways."

		- Yes, _Topographic Oceans_, "The Remembering (High The Memory)"