[comp.lang.pascal] pointers about TP pointers

m0p@k.cc.purdue.edu (S. Kulikowski) (12/27/88)

  am  i crazy, or am i the only one who has trouble with Turbo Pascal pointers?
any pointers about TP pointers?

  with  TP3  i had about half a dozen projects going which just stopped dead in
their  tracks  when  the  pointers  started  returning  garbage.   these   were
procedures  (and  functions)  which  were  well  formed  syntactically and even
debugged until the program got to about 5000 lines in length.  i  know  how  to
check  MEMAVAIL and it reported plenty of memory free, but when programs got to
a certain level of complexity, somewhere in ACM CS-2 level  curriculum,  things
ran  aground  in  the sea of memory trash.  (i used to teach ACM CS-1 courses.)
the pointers just went gaga into nowhereland.  no runtime error about stack  or
heap  collision,  all  the  memory allocations appeared to have plenty of room:
just garbage.

  last  year  i  got  TP4  real  early,  but  took  some  time before around to
recompiling the pointer-intensive projects.  things started working again.  but
not for long.

  last  week,  i  was  working on a project (for work this time) on am IBM PS/2
model 30 and the TP4 pointers started returning garbage when earlier  they  had
been  returning  the  the right values.  really looks familiar.  i had to scrap
the whole pointer section of code and substitue a clumsy  method  which  copies
the  data into a local file then adds new data on the end of each line from the
data file.  still doesn't work perfect, bit  at  least  the  first  two  passes
through  the  data  returns  values instead of garbage.  with the pointers, the
PS/2 was  really  freaking  out,  apparently  displaying  ROM  memory  garbage:
sometimes  exotic  characters  and  colors,  sometimes fragments of weird error
so on.)  this is a moderately complicated program (only  ~6000  lines  of  code
now),  marking  and  releasing  NEW-made pointers to variable data read in from
files, depending on how the user uses the program.  MEMAVAIL  says  about  330K
free memory left.

  now  i  have  a  pointer-intensive  program (1585 lines, TP4 MEMAVAIL reports
655,530 bytes free at runtime) which  won't  backup  a  double-linked  list  of
pointers.   this is done on 853K DEC Rainbow with TP4 running with command-line
TPC mode.

  this  has  happened  on  enough  different  programs  of different complexity
levels, that it is unlikely to be something wrong in the specific code.    when
procedures  start  returning  garbage,  which  used to work correctly, you know
something is wrong.  any ideas on what to check  for?   how  can  i  force  the
compiler  to  return  the  right  pointer  locations?  any recommendations on a
generic MSDOS PASCAL compiler which can keep track of its pointers?

     BITNET :  XM0P @ PURCCVM          (* note, zero, not Oh *)
  SnailMail :  Special Education; Purdue University; W. Lafayette, IN 47907
     USENET :  k.cc.purdue.edu!m0p      COMPUSERVE : 75410,1211

wilker@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Clarence W. Wilkerson Jr.) (12/27/88)

I have written lots of lines of code with TP 2,3,4 and just started
with tp 5.  I've used pointers extensively, and the only time I've
gotten nonsense is when I've screwed up. 

marty@june.cs.washington.edu (Marty Sirkin) (12/28/88)

I don't know if this helps, but I have written well over 100,000 lines of TP
programs (3.0, 4.0 and 5.0) and have NEVER had any pointer problems that were
not of my own creation.

I have seen many cases (mainly from teaching/grading) where pointer routines
will have a subtle bug which works correctly some times/in some cases, but
not always.  Sounds like what you have.

Perhaps (if it is short enough) you should post (or E-mail - I'll be happy
to take a look) the pointer routines from the program you mention.  If the
whole program is 1500 lines, the pointer routines shouldn't be too long.

							Marty Sirkin

ncsmith@ndsuvax.UUCP (Timothy Smith) (01/02/89)

reply to S. Kulikowski on Turbo pascal pointers:

    I have found the pointers in TP3 - TP5 to works reliably and just
how I tell them to.  Now barring any non-obvious errors in the pointer
code I have found the biggest area where problems can occur in pointer
intensive code is around declared arrays.  No version of TP defaults to
checking the range of a subscript for an array so if you declare a
pointer variable after an array and access a cell that exceeds
the upper bound on the array your pointer could be trashed.  Of course
anything else after it could be trashed including code if the subscript
is right.  So rather than bash the complier, check out your array code.

Tim Smith     North Dakota State University,  Fargo, ND  58105
UUCP:         ...!uunet!ndsuvax!ncsmith | 90% of the people on this planet
BITNET:       ncsmith@ndsuvax.bitnet    | are crazy and the rest of us are
INTERNET:     ncsmith@plains.NoDak.edu  | in grave danger of contamination

#! rnews  

mitch@arcturus.UUCP (Mitchell S. Gorman) (01/04/89)

In article <7071@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu>, wilker@batcomputer.tn.cornell.edu (Clarence W. Wilkerson Jr.) writes:
> I have written lots of lines of code with TP 2,3,4 and just started
> with tp 5.  I've used pointers extensively, and the only time I've
> gotten nonsense is when I've screwed up. 

Yeah, same with me.  The only thing I haven't been able to get running
under TP4.0 are my keyboard-interrupt TSRs.  (Damn that nearly-nonex-
istant interrupt procedure documentation!!  :^)

At the risk of stating the stupidly obvious (one of my favorite things
to do BTW!), have you run UPGRADE on these suckers??  That will tell
you whether or not you're using such functions as CSEG, et al, to get
what you're actually looking for.  At least it prints out a nice-sound-
ing little message about it anyway!

	Mitch @ Rockwell, Anaheim

ncsmith@ndsuvax.UUCP (Timothy Smith) (01/05/89)

reply to S. Kulikowski on Turbo pascal pointers:

    I have found the pointers in TP3 - TP5 to works reliably and just
how I tell them to.  Now barring any non-obvious errors in the pointer
code I have found the biggest area where problems can occur in pointer
intensive code is around declared arrays.  No version of TP defaults to
checking the range of a subscript for an array so if you declare a
pointer variable after an array and access a cell that exceeds
the upper bound on the array your pointer could be trashed.  Of course
anything else after it could be trashed including code if the subscript
is right.  So rather than bash the complier, check out your array code.

ps: this is a second sending as the first got mauled somewhere around
Tim Smith     North Dakota State University,  Fargo, ND  58105
UUCP:         ...!uunet!ndsuvax!ncsmith | 90% of the people on this planet
BITNET:       ncsmith@ndsuvax.bitnet    | are crazy and the rest of us are
INTERNET:     ncsmith@plains.NoDak.edu  | in grave danger of contamination