[comp.lang.pascal] bynary search trees

canoura@ihlpl.ATT.COM (jlcanoura) (02/22/89)

thanks to all of you who responded about the minimun spanning

now to get to the point.

does anybody have a program using bynary search trees. that does
the following

1. the bst nodes will have information fields consisting of two
   the tree will be sorted with respect to age. I need to use a linked
   representaion where to the left is "less than" and to the right 
   is greater than.

 the program should do the following.

1. read a line which will contain a new record that should be inserted
   appropriately into the bst. the record will consist of name and age.

2. read a line that contains an age and print out the corresponding

3. print out all the records in the bst in non decreasing order
   with respect to age ( inorder traversal)

4. print out the current height of the bst

5. read a line that contains two ages and print out all
   the records in between those two ages

any help will be apreciated
