[comp.lang.pascal] Mathematical Functions for Integration

PHSTUD8%DKNKURZ1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (05/23/89)

Date: 22 May 1989, 19:49:37 MEZ
From: Nikolaj Schutzbach        (0049-(0)7531)56464, PHSTUD8  at DKNKURZ1
      Hinterhauser Str. 13, D-7750 Konstanz
      P720, Universitaet Konstanz, D-7750 Konstanz
To:   info-pascal-request at vim.brl

I'm searching desperatly for a function which integrates
(any) function from zero or a point larger than that to infinity.
Every language is welcome, as long as I get source code, so I may
translate it to one of my favourite languages.

Thanks in advance

ts@chyde.uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi LASK) (05/23/89)

In article <19715@adm.BRL.MIL>
PHSTUD8%DKNKURZ1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu writes:
>I'm searching desperatly for a function which integrates
>(any) function from zero or a point larger than that to infinity.
>Every language is welcome, as long as I get source code, so I may
>translate it to one of my favourite languages.

Try the following for an interim solution until you get sources for
what you are looking for from somewhere.  Ftp anonymous
pc/ts/tsnum12.arc from  This package includes
interation of general functions between any two values.  The values
must be numerical, though.  The option of true infinite is not
included.  -  Also (as is evident) Turbo Pascal Numerical Toolbox
might be of some use to you if you do not already have it. 

Prof. Timo Salmi
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: vakk::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun

dmurdoch@watstat.waterloo.edu (Duncan Murdoch) (05/24/89)

In article <19715@adm.BRL.MIL> PHSTUD8%DKNKURZ1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu writes:
>I'm searching desperatly for a function which integrates
>(any) function from zero or a point larger than that to infinity.

Numerical Recipes, by Press et al, suggests using the identity
   b             1/a  1    1
  I f(x) dx =   I     -  f(-) dt
   a             1/b  t^2  t
which works provided a and b have the same sign, to turn an upper limit of
infinity into a lower limit of zero.  If a=0, you'll have to break the integral
into two parts, i.e. 0 to c, c to infinity, and sum the results.

To integrate over a finite range, I've had very good luck with the routine
QUANC8, from Forsythe, Malcolm and Moler, Computer Methods for Mathematical
Computations.  Here's a copy, translated to Turbo Pascal v 5.

Duncan Murdoch

---- cut here -----   FMM.PAS  -------------
unit fmm;


  integrand = function(var x;info:pointer):float;

procedure quanc8(fun:integrand;info:pointer;a,b,abserr,relerr:float;
                 var result,errest:float;
                 var nofun:integer;var flag:float);

    Subroutine from Forsythe, Malcolm and Moler (1977) Computer Methods
    for Mathematical Computations Chapter 5 to estimate the integral
    of fun(x) from a to b to a user provided tolerance. (Translated
    from Fortran to Ratfor and from Ratfor to Turbo Pascal by djm.)
    An automatic adaptive routine based on the 8-panel Newton-Cotes
    rule is used.

    fun:      The name of the integrand function subprogram fun(x)
    info:     A pointer which will be passed to fun
    a:        The lower limit of integration.
    b:         "  upper   "   "      "      .  (b may be less than a)
    relerr:   A relative error tolerance (non-negative)
    abserr:   An absolute  "       "           "

    result:   An approximation to the integral hopefully satisfying
              the least stringent of the two error tolerances
    errest:   An estimate of the magnitude of the actual error
    nofun:    The number of function evaluations
    flag:     A reliability indicator.  If flag is zero, then result
              probably satisfies the error tolerance.  If flag is
              XXX.YYY, then XXX = the number of intervals which have
              not converged and 0.YYY = the fraction of the interval
              (a,b) left to do when the limit on nofun was approached


function max(x,y:float):float;
  if x>=y then
    max := x
    max := y;

procedure quanc8;
  qright: array [1..31] of float;
  f,x:    array[1..16] of float;
  fsave,xsave:  array[1..8,1..30] of float;


{    Stage 1        General Initialization }

{    Set constants   }

levmin := 1;
levmax := 30;
levout := 6;
nomax := 5000;
nofin := nomax - 8*(levmax - levout + 1 shl (levout+1));
{    Trouble when nofun reaches nofin   }

w0 :=   3956.0E0/14175.0E0;
w1 :=  23552.0E0/14175.0E0;
w2 :=  -3712.0E0/14175.0E0;
w3 :=  41984.0E0/14175.0E0;
w4 := -18160.0E0/14175.0E0;

{    Initialize running sums to zero.   }

flag   := 0.0E0;
result := 0.0E0;
cor11  := 0.0E0;
errest := 0.0E0;
area   := 0.0E0;
nofun  := 0;

if (a = b) then

{    Stage 2   Initialization for first interval   }

lev := 0;
nim := 1;
x0 := a;
x[16] := b;
qprev := 0.0;
f0 := fun(x0,info);
stone := (b-a)/16.0E0;
x[ 8] := (  x0  + x[16])/2.0E0;
x[ 4] := (  x0  + x[ 8])/2.0E0;
x[12] := (x[ 8] + x[16])/2.0E0;
x[ 2] := (  x0  + x[ 4])/2.0E0;
x[ 6] := (x[ 4] + x[ 8])/2.0E0;
x[10] := (x[ 8] + x[12])/2.0E0;
x[14] := (x[12] + x[16])/2.0E0;

for j:=1 to 8 do
     f[2*j] := fun(x[2*j],info);
nofun := 9;

{    Stage 3   Central Calculation   }
     {         Requires qprev,x0,x2,...,x16,f0,f2,...,f16.   }

     {         Calculates x1,x3,...,x15, f1,f3,...,f15,qleft,qright,qnow   }
     {              qdiff,area.   }
     x[1] := (x0 + x[2])/2.0E0;
     f[1] := fun(x[1],info);
     for j:=2 to 8 do    {3 to 15 by 2}
          x[2*j-1] := (x[2*j-2] + x[2*j])/2.0E0;
          f[2*j-1] := fun(x[2*j-1],info);
     nofun := nofun + 8;
     step := (x[16] - x0)/16.0E0;

     qleft := (w0*(f0+f[8]) + w1*(f[1]+f[7]) + w2*(f[2]+f[6])
            + w3*(f[3]+f[5]) + w4*f[4])*step;
     qright[lev+1] := (w0*(f[8]+f[16]) + w1*(f[9]+f[15])
            + w2*(f[10]+f[14]) + w3*(f[11]+f[13]) + w4*f[12])*step;
     qnow := qleft + qright[lev+1];

     qdiff := qnow - qprev;
     area := area + qdiff;

     {    Stage 4   Interval Convergence test   }

     esterr := abs(qdiff)/1023.0E0;
     tolerr := max(abserr,relerr*abs(area))*(step/stone);

     if (lev < levmin) or
         ((lev < levmax) and (nofun <= nofin) and (esterr > tolerr)) then
          {    Stage 5   No convergence   }
          {    Locate next interval.   }

          nim := 2*nim;
          lev := lev + 1;

          {    Store right hand elements for future use   }

          for i:=1 to 8 do
               fsave[i,lev] := f[i+8];
               xsave[i,lev] := x[i+8];
          {    Assemble left hand elements for immediate use   }

          qprev := qleft;
          for  i:=1 to 8 do
               j := -i;
               f[2*j+18] := f[j+9];
               x[2*j+18] := x[j+9];
          {    Go on to next iteration   }
          if (nofun > nofin) then
               {    Stage 6   Trouble Section   }
               {    Number of function evaluations is about to exceed   }
               {         limit   }

               nofin := 2*nofin;
               levmax := levout;
               flag := flag + (b-x0)/(b-a);
          else if (lev >= levmax) then
               {    Current level is levmax   }

               flag := flag + 1.0;

          {    Stage 7   Interval converged   }
          {         Add contributions into running sums   }

          result := result + qnow;
          errest := errest + esterr;
          cor11 := cor11 + qdiff/1023.0E0;

          {    Locate next interval   }

          while (nim <> 2*(nim div 2)) do
               nim := nim div 2;
               lev := lev - 1;
          nim := nim + 1;

          if (lev <= 0) then
               goto break;          { Completely done   }

          {    Assemble elements required for the next interval   }

          qprev := qright[lev];
          x0 := x[16];
          f0 := f[16];
          for i:=1 to 8 do
               f[2*i] := fsave[i,lev];
               x[2*i] := xsave[i,lev];
until false;

{    Stage 8   Finalize and return   }


result := result + cor11;

{    Make sure errest not less than roundoff level   }

if (errest = 0.0E0) then

temp := abs(result) + errest;
while (temp = abs(result)) do
     errest := 2.0E0*errest;
     temp := abs(result) + errest;


--------- end of FMM.PAS -----------

nmm@cl.cam.ac.uk (Nick Maclaren) (05/25/89)

dmurdoch@watstat.waterloo.edu (Duncan Murdoch) writes:

>Numerical Recipes, by Press et al, suggests using the identity
>   b             1/a  1    1
>  I f(x) dx =   I     -  f(-) dt
>   a             1/b  t^2  t
>which works provided a and b have the same sign, to turn an upper limit of
>infinity into a lower limit of zero.  If a=0, you'll have to break the integral
>into two parts, i.e. 0 to c, c to infinity, and sum the results.

This sort of thing is the reason that 'cookbooks for the naive' are so
dangerous, and it is much better to get access to a good (and hence probably
expensive) numerical library or consult a numerical analyst.  Yes, this
transformation may work and may even give the right answer.  Alternatively,
it may just APPEAR to work, and give an answer that is almost unrelated to
the correct one.

For example, it is extremely common to get functions of the general nature
of f(x)exp(-ax)sin(bx) or f(x)sin(ax)/(x^n).  If you apply this transformation
to such functions, you end up with a function that is very nasty indeed (as
far as numerical integration is concerned).  Many free numerical integration
routines will happily return an answer, but it may be nonsense.

This area is a minefield, and should be treated as such.  It is critical to
work out at least the gross properties of a function before trying to
integrate it, especially over an infinite range.

Nick Maclaren
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory
nmm @ uk.ac.cam.cl