[comp.lang.pascal] Turbo Pascal 5.5/Turbo Debugger 1.5 announcement

dmurdoch@watstat.waterloo.edu (Duncan Murdoch) (05/25/89)

Yesterday I saw the announcement on Compuserve of Turbo Pascal 5.5, and
Turbo Debugger 1.5.  The difference from the previous version is support
for some kind of object oriented programming style. 

The press release was 99% hype, so I won't bother posting it.

Upgrades from TP 5.0 to TP 5.5 are supposed to be $34.95, and upgrades
from TP 4.0 or TP 5.0 to the new professional version of TP 5.5, which
includes the debugger, are $99.95.  I didn't see any mention of upgrading an 
existing TP 5.0 Professional.

The forum I was in deals only with Pascal, so there may also have been an
announcement about Turbo C.

I have no connection with Borland, other than being a (usually) satisfied 

Duncan Murdoch

granoff@vaxwrk.dec.com (Mark H. Granoff) (05/26/89)

In article <215@maytag.waterloo.edu>, dmurdoch@watstat.waterloo.edu (Duncan Murdoch) writes...
>Upgrades from TP 5.0 to TP 5.5 are supposed to be $34.95, and upgrades
>from TP 4.0 or TP 5.0 to the new professional version of TP 5.5, which
>includes the debugger, are $99.95.  I didn't see any mention of upgrading an 
>existing TP 5.0 Professional.

I ordered an upgrade for my TP 5.0 Professional to TP 5.5 Professional.  The
cost was $44.95 plus $5 s&h (plus MA sales tax).  The "Professional" upgrade
includes both TP 5.5 and T Debugger 1.5.

(I too have no affiliation with Borland International other than as a satisfied

Mark H. Granoff               | Software Services/Engineering VAXworks
Digital Equipment Corporation | ARPAnet: granoff@vaxwrk.dec.com
129 Parker Street             | EASYnet: VAXWRK::GRANOFF
PKO2-1/M21                    | Usenet : ...!decwrl!vaxwrk!granoff
Maynard, MA 01754             | AT&T   : (508) 493-4512
Disclaimer: Views expressed herein are my own and do not necessarily
            reflect those of my employer.

dmurdoch@watstat.waterloo.edu (Duncan Murdoch) (05/26/89)

In article <215@maytag.waterloo.edu> I wrote:
>I didn't see any mention of upgrading an 
>existing TP 5.0 Professional.

I've called Borland since posting the news of the release, and they say
the upgrade from TP 5.0 Professional to TP 5.5 Professional is $49.95.
This includes the Pascal upgrade as well as the Debugger upgrade.

All upgrades also have charges for shipping ($5 in the U.S., $10 to Canada)
and possibly sales tax.

Duncan Murdoch

acm9@peach.ucsb.edu (Mike O'Brien) (05/31/89)

Does anyone know what kind of documentation is included with the
TP5 --> TP5.5 upgrade?  Do you get an entire new manual for TP5.5,
or just one of those "New Features" books, like they sent out with
Turbo C 1.5 because they were too lazy to rewrite the docs from 1.0?