d88-eli@nada.kth.se (Erik Liljencrantz) (07/10/89)
Trouble with Borlands new (unsupported) font files: As I mentioned in a previous letter I can't load some of the new fonts supplied in the BGI toolkit with Turbo Pascal 5.0. To test this further I wrote these two programs. Turbo Pascal displays the 8x8 bitmapped font (WRONG) while Turbo C displays the Gothic font (RIGHT). I suspect a bug in GRAPH.TPU (from Turbo Pascal 5.0). Try it with Turbo Pascal 5.5, examine the .CHR files or do something else... All replies welcome... Turbo Pascal (5.0) Turbo C (2.0) ============================================================================== USES #include <stdio.h> Graph; #include <graphics.h> VAR main() G,D,Error:INTEGER; { int G,D,error; char ch; BEGIN G := DETECT; G = DETECT; InitGraph ( G, D, '' ); initgraph ( &G, &D, "" ); SetTextStyle(GOTHICFONT,HORIZDIR,4); settextstyle(GOTHIC_FONT,HORIZ_DIR,4); Error := GraphResult; error = graphresult (); OutTextXY(50,150,'Hello world!'); outtextxy ( 50, 150, "Hello world!" ); ReadLn; scanf ( "%c", &ch ); CloseGraph; closegraph (); WriteLn ( 'Errorcode:', error ); printf ( "Errorcode: %d\n", error ); END. } Replies to Please, no flames about the state of my Erik Liljencrantz C-code, I'm a Pascal programmer... d88-eli@nada.kth.se