[net.sf-lovers] questions

mr.mincemeat@syteka.UUCP (mr.mincemeat) (02/13/84)

	Snarl, snarl. Why are all the articles I see pro-
	Heinlein coming from arpa sites?  Why does anybody
	read modern Heinlein at all? How can anybody read
	'orphans of the sky' or some of his old shorts and
	say he's never written anything good?  Why do all these
	people like dr. who? How can anybody who claims to
	like sf not know Asimov write 'ridiculous voyage'?
	Why are there all these postings about Idiota Jones
	movies? Why doesn't everybody think 'lathe of heaven' was
	a nice little book and a nice little movie? Why did my
	nepthytis get mites? Why do mites look like crab lice?
	Can you get rid of mites with pyrethrin suspensions?
	Why are you reading this when you could be reading a
	Alan Dean Foster Star Bore novelization? Will I ever
	read the Borges book I bought a year ago? How can
	people believe in unix and jesus at the same time?
	How can anybody not be stunned by Gene Wolfe's books?
	How long will I blither on? (that question, at least,
	has an answer.) cheers mincemeat.