I2010506%DBSTU1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (08/31/89)
Date: 31 August 1989, 09:04:49 MEZ From: Christian Boettger +49 (0)531 3915113 / I2010506 at DBSTU1 To: info-pascal at vim.brl Hi, sometime ago <pyr440@psc90.UUCP> asked about a printscreen utility for EGA/VGA graphics. The best choice I found for this is the following: VGAHARD.COM from International Software Distribution, Hauptstrasse 23, D-6729 Vollmersweiler, FRG (West Germany). The price is about 80 DM (40 US$). All graphic adapters using CGA, EGA and/or VGA modus are fully supported, the program is memory resident using 2 kBytes, the configuration can easily be changed for usage with almost every dot matrix printer, colours are translated to gray values, the printing can be stopped by turning off the printer. The program uses the PRTSCRN interrupt INT 05H. Hope this is of any interest... Christian ________________________________________________________________________________ Christian Boettger phone: (+49) (0)531/391-5113 mail: Institut fuer Metallphysik und Nukleare Festkoerperphysik, (room -167/-168), Technische Universitaet Braunschweig, Mendelssohnstrasse 3, D-3300 Braunschweig, Bundesrepublik Deutschland FRG / RFA ________________________________________________________________________________ EARN: I2010506@DBSTU1.BITNET InterNet: boettger@julian.uwo.CA UseNet: boettger@julian.UUCP UUCP / UseNet: (whereever)!uunet!watmath!julian!boettger (whereever)!uunet!boettger@hydra.uwo.CA (whereever)!uunet!mcvax!unido!i2010506@DBSTU1.BITNET ********************************************************************************