[comp.lang.pascal] Fahrenheit Celsius HELP!!

mccaugh@s.cs.uiuc.edu (10/06/89)

> I need a simple piece of code to convert a string celsius/fahrenheit 
> to a fahrenheit/celsius. The input is of the form [digit][F|C] ie 32C, 0F
> For some reason... the code below does not work! I need this by Monday morning
> Can anyone out in netland help me out? :-)
> ----------------------------------------------(code follows....) 


> 	if ( input@ = 'F' ) then
> 		begin
> 			writeln( 'fahrenheit ');
> 			convert := value;
> 		end 
> 	else
> 		begin
> 			writeln( 'celsius ');	
> 			convert := value;
> 		end;
> 	end;
> begin
> 	writeln( convert );
> end.
 Your code correctly converts a string to an integer number, but that's all.
 In 1948, the Ninth General Conferenace on Weights & Measures decided to ex-
 change the name 'Centigrade' for 'Celsius' after the Swede who invented the
 scale in 1742. Since Fahrenheit ranges from 32 to 212 (= 180 pts) compared
 to 100 pts for Celsius (hence the original name 'Centigrade'), there exist
 180/100 = 9/5 as many F values as C values, leaving each F interval 5/9 of
 a C interval. This, together with the necessity to correct for 0 yields:

                           C  =  5/9*(F - 32)

 Thus if you are given a value V known to be Fahrenheit and wish to convert
 it to Celsius: convert = 0.555555555*(V - 32.0). Solving for F: 

                          F  =  9/5*C + 32

  so if value V is know to be Celsius, convert = 1.8*C + 32.0.

  Hope this has helped!

  Scott McCaughrin
  University of Illinois
  Urbana, Illinois