(Brett Kottman) (10/05/89)
Okay, time to exercise your brain as well as your fingertips: Write a routine that will convert from one base to another. function convert(base : integer; input_num : string) : string; is the function header. Keep the line count down! (Trent Wohlschlaeger) (10/06/89)
In article <727@thor.wright.EDU> writes: > Write a routine that will convert from one base to another. >function convert(base : integer; input_num : string) : string; ^^^^ This is a fairly standard "problem." However, I think your definition is under-determined. Is 'base' the current base of the number, or the base to which it is to be converted? Might I suggest: function convert(inbase, outbase : integer; input_num : string) : string; I would be more impressed with code that does this directly, rather than converting to base 10 (or 2, or 16, or...) first. For example, convert 10110101 base 4 to x base 7. x:= convert (4, 7, "10110101"); Trent (Karl Thoroddsen) (10/16/89)
In article <>, (Trent Wohlschlaeger) writes: > In article <727@thor.wright.EDU> writes: > > Write a routine that will convert from one base to another. > >function convert(base : integer; input_num : string) : string; > ^^^^ > > Might I suggest: > > function convert(inbase, outbase : integer; input_num : string) : string; > > I would be more impressed with code that does this directly, rather > than converting to base 10 (or 2, or 16, or...) first. > > For example, convert 10110101 base 4 to x base 7. > > x:= convert (4, 7, "10110101"); > > Trent A solution to the problem of converting from one base to another is fairly straightforward (solution follows). But as Trent says it would be much more impressive if the routine would convert directly, can anyone program a routine which does that? -----------------------CONVERT ROUTINE TP 5.0------------------ {FOR BASE >1 and <17} function power(x,y:longint):longint; var pow : longint; begin pow:=1; while y>0 do begin pow:=pow*x;dec(y);end; power:=pow; end; function convert(in_base,out_base:integer;in_num:string):string; const num_char = '0123456789ABCDEF'; var count,sum,num:longint;Out_num:string; begin sum:=0;count:=1;num:=0;Out_num:=''; while not(count>length(in_num)) do begin num:=pos(copy(in_num,count,1),num_char)-1; sum:=num*power(in_base,length(in_num)-count)+sum; inc(count);{ count:=count+1} end; { Of convert to 10 base} while sum>0 do begin out_num:=concat(copy(num_char,(sum mod out_base)+1,1),out_num); sum:=sum div out_base; end; convert:=out_num; end; (Tim Margush) (10/19/89)
Included is a routine to convert from one base to another. This submission does not first convert to base ten. It also is not limited by the size of an integer variable. I wrote this in VS-Pascal and converted it to turbo syntax (strings are different) so there may be a few problems. I am not sure how turbo handles concatenation of strings and characters for example. -----------------------------cut here--------------------------------- program con; {written by Tim Margush, University of Akron, 10/18/1989} {converts base b1 to base b2} { 1 < b1,b2 < 37, length of numbers limited to string lengths} {legal digits are 0..9, A..Z (up to limit of b1-1)} var a,b,c:string; b1,b2:integer; function c2int(x:char):integer; begin {returns integer for character digit} if (x>='0') and (x<='9') then c2int:=ord(x)-ord('0') else c2int:=ord(x)-ord('A')+10 end; function int2c(x:integer):string; begin {returns character digit for integer} if x<10 then int2c:=str(chr(ord('0')+x)) else int2c:=str(chr(ord('A')+x-10)) end; function sum(x:string;y,b:integer):string; {computes the sum of x and y in base b} var carry,digit,s:integer; sm:string; begin carry:=y;sm:=''; for digit:=length(x) downto 1 do begin s:=c2int(x[digit]) + carry; sm:=concat(int2c(s mod b),sm); carry:=s div b end; while carry>0 do begin sm:=concat(int2c(carry mod b),sm); carry:=carry div b end; sum:=sm end; function product(x:string;y,b:integer):string; {computes the product of x and y in base b} var carry,digit,p:integer; prod:string; begin carry:=0;prod:=''; for digit:=length(x) downto 1 do begin p:=c2int(x[digit]) * y + carry; prod:=concat(int2c(p mod b),prod); carry:=p div b end; while carry>0 do begin prod:=concat(int2c(carry mod b),prod); carry:=carry div b end; product:=prod end; function convert(in_base,out_base:integer;in_num:string):string; {convert base in_base numeral to out_base numeral using the definition of place value representation. All arithmetic is done in base out_base. In_num is processed from left to right.} var digit:integer; out_num:string; begin out_num:='0'; for digit:=1 to length(in_num) do out_num:=sum(product(out_num,in_base,out_base), c2int(in_num[digit]),out_base); convert:=out_num end; begin {test driver} repeat writeln('enter oldbase newbase numeral'); readln(b1,b2,a); writeln('original:',a); c:=convert(b1,b2,a); writeln('converted to base ',b2:1,':',c) until a='0' end. -----------------------------and here-------------------------------- Tim Margush R1TMARG@AKRONVM.BITNET Department of Mathematical Sciences R1TMARG@VM1.CC.UAKRON.EDU University Of Akron R1TMARG@AKRONVM.UAKRON.EDU Akron, OH 44325 (216) 375-7109