(Thomas Charles Pirnat) (10/26/89)
Does anyone in netland know how to develop TSRs with Turbo Pascal? I know that Turbo has a command called KEEP that stores the current program in RAM. However, the Turbo manual does not give much help on controlling the program after termination. Specifically, I would like to simulate the following type of code: REPEAT IF KEYPRESSED IS ALT-C THEN EXECUTE PROGRAM ELSE KEEP (TERMINATE AND STAY RESIDENT); UNTIL KEYPRESSED IS ALT-R; REMOVE PROGRAM FROM RAM; The above code is to continue checking the keyboard for the ALT-C key sequence. Once this sequence is pressed the program executes otherwise the program TSRs. The ALT-R sequence is for removing the program from memory to free up RAM. If the above question is answered, you (Netland) will see the fruits of my labor. I will post the TSR that I am working on. Thanks in advance. Respond to me through the newsgroup or email. Thomas Pirnat