[comp.lang.pascal] turbo pascal / mouse polling

wprice@nmsu.edu (William Price) (02/02/90)

Can anyone explain how to poll a Microsoft Mouse, connected to Com1,
from inside of Turbo Pascal (version 5.5)?  I would like to be able
to tell which direction the mouse is moviing, and which button has 
been clicked if any.

martins@fiddler.SanDiego.NCR.COM (Martin Sandman) (02/06/90)

The mouses sends cursor values of up, down, left, right as extended codes;
that is, ReadKey sends a zero and then an H, P, K, R for up, down, left,
right.  The right mouse button is an escape [char(27)]; the middle button
is an enter (char[13]); and the left one sends an F1 and opens a pop-up
menu that has F1 thru F10, /, and ?.  The F1 - F10 are also two-character
extented codes like the arrow keys; after the zero you get 59 thru 68.
     -- Martin
     = UUCP:   sdcsvax!ncr-sd!fiddler!martins      Martin D. Sandman      =
     = NCR:    Martin.Sandman@SanDiego.NCR.COM     NCR Corporation        =
     = Phone:  (619) 485-3554                      16550 West Bernardo Dr.=