(Morton Cotlar) (02/12/90)
Does anyone out there knows how to print a fie using Turbo5.5? and "How do you pass parameters from Turbo5.5 to Dos? Thank you very much in advance. (2375) (02/12/90)
To print anything using turbo pascal, simply open a file using the assign statement ASSIGN(fout,'PRN'); rewrite(fout); where fout is of type a) file of char b) file of byte c) text (Michael Keukert) (02/14/90)
USES printer; BEGIN WRITELN(lst,'The quick brown fox prints now on printer-device'); END. The PRINTER.TPU which is included in TURBO.TPL declares the LST-file as printer output and switches the printer into raw-mode. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Keukert, Elsasstrasse 58, D-5100 Aachen, FRG, Tel: +49 241 513297 Q Fido: Michael Keukert@Maus AC 2:242/2 ZNet:MICHAEL_KEUKERT!AC@ZERMAUS.ZER Twenty bucks per day plus expenses - hundred in advance. (Sam Spade)