[net.sf-lovers] omni magazine

keves@sdccsu3.UUCP (02/26/84)

news originating in san diego has not been reaching the outside
world for about six weeks now, so i am reposting this article. sorry
if you have seen it before.

are you getting fed up with the way omni is mailing out their
magazines now? i don't like getting my magazine with a mangled cover
or no insides, etc... i suggest to everyone who is in my frame of
mind to write to omni and tell them your displeasure. or if you
prefer, you could send a letter to me and i will have it printed on
a nice laser printer and mailed on to omni.


		"Who is John Galt?" - Ayn Rand

Name:     Brian Keves

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          ...!sdcsvax!sdcattb!za62               ...!sdcsvax!sdccs2!zz104bk

USnail:   UCSD Computer Center
	  La Jolla, Ca.  92093

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