[comp.lang.pascal] Looking for a pd pascal compiler

dxk@lanl.gov (David M Koon) (08/25/90)

Does anyone know of a decent public domaine pascal compiler
that runs on a sun3 or sun4?  I don't monitor this newsgroup
so I would appreciate e-mailed responses.  I'll repost a 
summary if there is any interest.

Dave  Koon			| Los Alamos National Laboratory
MS - D417, IS- 5		| Network Manger, IS-5
Los Alamos, New Mexico		| Phone: (505) 665-0499
87545				|  Email: dxk@lanl.gov

|Dave  Koon			| Los Alamos National Laboratory
|MS - D417, IS- 5		| Network Manger, IS-5
|Los Alamos, New Mexico		| Phone: (505) 665-0499
|87545				|  Email: dxk@lanl.gov