(Naoto Kimura (ACM)) (11/12/90)
Some time ago, I had posted on this newsgroup a Turbo Pascal unit file that allows one to send a log of the I/O session to either a printer or a file. A copy of the unit has been submitted to the follwing sites: ( ( The file should be called NKTOOLS.ZIP or something similar. In it are contained several source (!) files (sorry, no precompiled versions -- you'll have to take the trouble of compiling them :-) ). Contained in the archive file is LOGGER.PAS, which is the source to a I/O logging unit. All you have to do to use this unit is to place it into the USES clause as one of the last items (to make sure that nothing takes over the I/O stream). Another item that might be useful for student use is the ERRMSG.PAS unit. It generates the explanation of the error messages as found in the manual when your program aborts abnormally (this could be useful when you're not using the IDE and don't have he manual at hand). Some portions of the code were written in assembly language to reduce both execution time, but mostly to reduce the size of the code. //-n-\\ Naoto Kimura _____---=======---_____ ( ====____\ /.. ..\ /____==== // ---\__O__/--- \\ Enterprise... Surrender or we'll \_\ /_/ send back your *&^$% tribbles !!