[comp.lang.pascal] standard/enhanced keyboard solution

bk19+@andrew.cmu.edu (Bradley D. Keister) (11/17/90)

Thanks to those who tried to help with my query about a TP unit which would
enable extended key combinations on either a standard or enhanced keyboard.
Gordon Findlay supplied me with the package I had heard about but couldn't
find, and it does exactly what I needed.  I've since posted it to simtel20
in their <msdos.turbopas> directory.

Brad Keister

from the header...

unit EnhKbd;
 This unit activates the IBM enhanced keyboard for machines that have one, and
 simulates an enhanced keyboard for machines that don't. The enhanced scan
 codes will be returned by all normal calls which read the keyboard, e.g,
 ReadKey (from CRT), ReadKeyWord (from TPCRT and supplied here), and even when
 DOS reads from the keyboard. This unit should be USEd early in a program's
 USES list. There are no procedures to call here -- operation is completely
 transparent to the program.