[net.sf-lovers] Chaosium Releases


I just got a catalog (dated Winter 1983...so they are a little slow...)
from CHAOSIUM GAMES, which includes mention of the following new releases:

Masks of Nyarlathotep (for CALL OF CTHULHU), an adventure which promises to
be "the largest and most extensive published to date".  Release date is
Winter, 1983--however, I haven't seen it yet, so I would guess that gremlins
have delayed this product.

Ringworld--a major new RPG, based on the works of Larry Niven.  Again, release
date is indicated to be Winter, 1983, but again, delays have cropped up.

Elfquest--a major RPG based on the comics/books/etc., of the same name...Release
is slated for Winter, 1984.

Pendragon--a RPG based on the legends of King Arthur, Lancelot, et al.  Release
is for Spring, 1984.

Stormbringer Companion--a companion guide to the RPG Stormbringer.  Now out.

The King Arthur Companion--a LITERARY companion to the Arthurian legends.  Not
for any particular gaming system, or even for games in particular.

More news as it develops...

Frederick Paul Kiesche III
