To write values of an enumeration-type onto an external file you have to use the PUT routine. The following short program shows the way on a VAX. PROGRAM Test ( OUTPUT, DataFile ) ; TYPE Measure = ( low , high ) ; { our enumeration type } VAR result : FILE OF Measure ; { the logical file } BEGIN { create system dependent connection of logical/external file we create a new file } OPEN(FILE_VARIABLE:=result,FILE_NAME:='TEST.DAT',HISTORY:=NEW) ; { put `result' into generation-mode } REWRITE(result) ; { fill the file buffer } result^:=low ; { now write the value onto the file } PUT(result) ; { destroy system dependent connection of logical/external file } CLOSE(result) ; { create a new connection of logical/external file we want to read the previously written value } OPEN(FILE_VARIABLE:=result,FILE_NAME:='TEST.DAT',HISTORY:=OLD) ; { put `result' into inspection-mode; also the file buffer is filled with the first element } RESET(result) ; { check the element } IF result^=low WRITELN(' got the value ') ; { destroy system dependent connection of logical/external file } CLOSE(result) ; END. ----- Ralf Gaertner e-mail: Fritz-Haber-Institute (FRG) (12/14/90)
In article <>, writes: > To write values of an enumeration-type onto an external file you have to > use the PUT routine. The following short program shows the way on a VAX. > > > > > PROGRAM Test ( OUTPUT, DataFile ) ; [etc.] No, the use of PUT is not necessary in VAX Pascal. Try program ETEST (FUZZY_FILE, OUTPUT); type FUZZY = (YES, NO, PERHAPS); var FUZZY_FILE : FILE of FUZZY; F : FUZZY; begin REWRITE(FUZZY_FILE); {External will be FUZZY_FILE.DAT} for F := PERHAPS downto YES do WRITE(FUZZY_FILE, F); RESET(FUZZY_FILE); while not EOF(FUZZY_FILE) do begin READ(FUZZY_FILE, F); WRITELN(F) end end. Output is PERHAPS NO YES This is NOT a flame. I too prefer to use the PUT routine on sequential files. George.... ------------------------------------------------------*------o Happy--- -- George C. Harrison ------------------------------ * * ----o_o___ New--- ----- Professor of Computer Science -------------- * * * ----\ o /-Year-- ----- Norfolk State University, ----------------- *Merry* ----\ /-------- -------- Norfolk, Virginia 23504 --------------- * * * * * ----|--------- ----- INTERNET: ------ *Christmas* --_|_-------- ----------These are MY views.... you may share them..*** -----------------