[comp.lang.pascal] TP test for STDOUT redirection

Donald@cup.portal.com (Donald W Randolph) (01/13/91)

Here is a function the Turbo gurus gave me from the Borland programming
forums on CompuServe.  It works for me with TP5.5 under MS-DOS 4.01.


FUNCTION IsConsole (VAR TextFile : TEXT) : Boolean;
{  Supplied by Philippe Ranger (TeamB) 71531,1350 via CI$ BPROGA.  It
   returns TRUE if the parameter is really the STDOUT console.  FALSE
   is returned if the parameter is a file or STDOUT redirected to a file.

   Regs : Registers;


   WITH Regs DO
      AX := $4400;
      BX := TextRec(TextFile).Handle;
      IF (DX AND $80) = 0
         THEN IsConsole := FALSE
         ELSE IsConsole := ((DX and $02) <> 0) or ((DX and $01) <> 0);

END; { IsConsole within Procss_Command_Line }


internet:  donald@cup.portal.com   or   72517,3103@compuserve.com