(Nhan Tran) (01/28/91)
I want to dump a graphic screen to a file and read the file back for quick graphic display. The graphic mode I used (Turbo Pascal) is EGAHi (for EGA) or VGAMed (for VGA) (graphic mode 0x10). The resolution of this mode is 640 x 350, 16 colors. The memory of graphic pages starts at 0xA000. Since this graphic mode uses 4 bit planes, I thought that I just dump out the 4 bit planes memory to file and read them back in order and got back the orginal image. var bitplane0 : byte absolute $A000:000; bitplane1 : byte absolute $A001:000; bitplane2 : byte absolute $A800:000; bitplane3 : byte absolute $A800:000; { each bit plane in this mode takes 28,000 bytes } Dump out the graphic screen: assign(f, file_name); rewrite(f, 1); blockwrite(f, bitplane0, 28000); blockwrite(f, bitplane1, 28000); blockwrite(f, bitplane2, 28000); blockwrite(f, bitplane3, 28000); Retrieve the image: assign(f, file_name); reset(f, 1); blockread(f, bitplane0, 28000); blockread(f, bitplane1, 28000); blockread(f, bitplane2, 28000); blockread(f, bitplane3, 28000); The problem is when I retrieve the image, the shape of the image (ex: a bunch of color filled circles) is still there, but all color are converted to either black or white. I suspect that my declaration of bitplane address is not correct or something else I don't know about. Please help!! Nhan Tran Email: