[comp.lang.pascal] TurbidVision

fehr@ms.uky.edu (Jeffrey Davis) (02/26/91)

I am a professional programmer, but got involved in the "art" in
an arse-backwards way: i.e. I have a minimum of formal training.
Many of the facets of the "art" are simply beyond my understanding:
compilers, grammers, the niceties of optimization. I'm a carpenter not
a cabinet maker. But I've been able to adjust to the change in
"tools" and have regularly upgraded my Pascal compilers -- even to
TP 6.0. At this point, particularly, w/ TurboVision, I have to say
I'm swamped. There seems to be a half-zillion doo-dads and what-nots
involved with using TurboVision. Is the general idea supposed to be:
ignore the details, this is "plug-and-play" programming. I have to
confess that even at that level, even reading through Borland's
examples, that little outline or organization emerges. Is there
anywhere a decent tutorial on OOP and event-driven programming
"out there" for the non-hierophantic programmer. The Borland oriented
books in the past have seemed to be a re-hash of Borland's own manuals,
so any other help than that would be appreciated.

Or is there a better organized set of tools out there that someone
could recommend? I can usually get anything necessary, but it
has to be a specific product. No fishing expeditions.
He: 10, tenor and tubby: What y'all gonna do with them babies? [A pail
of St Simons Island crabs] She: 16, mezzo, languid in a deck chair,
mildly mocking behind Ray-Bans: Ahm gonna put them babies into a MILKSHAKE!