[comp.lang.pascal] Execute command in TP3.01

garay@hyper.lap.upenn.edu (John Garay) (03/04/91)

A simple question about Turbo Pascal 3.01 and the Execute function:

I want to run an .exe program from within a TP3.01 program and do not know 
the format to use (No, I do not have a manual :-( ).  I want to run the .exe
file with Command Line Parameters, also.

    I know in TP5, the format is EXEC(programname, CommandParams);

Does anyone have any idea (or a TP3.01 manual) which would help solve this
problem?  Also, is there an equivalent of the SwapVectors function in TP3.01?

Thanks for the Help!


    John Garay            e-mail  :  garay@hyper.lap.upenn.edu
		          Office phone :  (215)  898-1954
			  Home Phone   : (215)  382-4102
			  Donations    :  4034 Walnut, Philly, PA   19104

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