[comp.lang.pascal] TP's MAKE doesn't following include files

defaria@hpcupt3.cup.hp.com (Andy DeFaria) (04/02/91)

A while back I was having a problem with TP not recognizing that a Unit that
my program depends on needs recompiliation.  I think I understand the problem
now.  TP doesn't seem to follow include file in its determination of what needs
to be recompiled.  Here is my structure: 

Unit AUnit;


{ Const, Types and Vars }

{ functions and procedures }


{$I ITYPES.PAS}   { Internal types for this Unit }
{$I FUNC1.PAS}    { First exported function or procedure }
{$I FUNC2.PAS}    { Second exported function or procedure }

{ And so on... }

Begin { AUnit }

End. { AUnit }

With TP 6.0 this works out pretty good.  I have a function per file included
into my Unit.  The Unit can be easily given to anybody.  The implemenation is
hidden because it is not included in the Unit file.  TP 6.0 can have many
windows up so I can work with this structure pretty easily.  Now if I have
FUNC1.PAS up in a window and I modify it, TP fails to recognize this when it
tries to re-make my program (i.e. it doesn't recognize the fact that AUNIT.PAS
depends on FUNC1.PAS).  Is this a bug?