wct@po.CWRU.Edu (William C. Thompson) (04/17/91)
Here's a unit that does cool miscellaneous stuff unit misc; interface uses crt; procedure beep(hz,dur: integer); { beeps "hz" for "dur" } function inttostr(i:longint):string; { converts an integer to a string } function realtostr(r:real;width,prec:byte):string; { converts an integer to a string } function filexists(FileName: string):boolean; { returns true if the file exists, false if it does not } function yesorno:char; { waits for the user to press 'y','Y','n','N' } function getoneof(s:string):char; { waits for the user to input a character contained in s } function datetoday(m,d,y: word):byte; { returns day of week for the appropriate month, day, and year 0 = Sunday 1 = Monday ... 6 = Saturday } implementation procedure beep(hz,dur: integer); begin sound(hz); delay(dur); nosound end; function inttostr(i:longint):string; var s: string; begin str(i,s); inttostr:=s end; function realtostr(r:real;width,prec:byte):string; var s: string; begin str(r:width:prec,s); realtostr:=s end; function filexists(FileName: string):boolean; { Returns True if file exists; otherwise, it returns False. Closes the file if it exists. } var f: file; begin {$I-} assign(f, FileName); reset(f); close(f); {$I+} filexists := (IOResult = 0) and (FileName <> ''); end; { FileExists } function yesorno:char; { waits for the user to press 'y','Y','n','N' } var ch: char; begin repeat ch:=upcase(readkey) until ch in ['Y','N']; yesorno:=ch end; function getoneof(s:string):char; { waits for the user to input a character contained in s } var ch: char; begin repeat ch:=readkey until pos(ch,s)>0; getoneof:=ch end; function datetoday(m,d,y: word):byte; { returns day of week for the appropriate month, day, and year 0 = Sunday 1 = Monday ... 6 = Saturday } var z: byte; begin z:=y-ord(m<3); datetoday:=(23*m div 9+d+4+y+(z div 4)-(z div 100)+ (z div 400)-2*ord(m>=3)) mod 7 end; -- Ticking away, the moments that make up a dull day. | William C. Thompson You fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way. | Michelson 620D (wct) Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown,| a.k.a. Master of Time, waiting for someone or something to show you the way.| Space, and Dimension