[net.sf-lovers] Many-Colored Land and Damiano's Lute.


From:  Laurence R Brothers <LAURENCE@SU-CSLI.ARPA>

The Many-Colored-Land series is in fact a tetralogy; The Adversary is the
fourth book. The Adversary has not yet come out in American paperback, but it
is available at bookstores that carry those Pan editions. I found the
ending to be somewhat of a let-down after expecting some incredible
tieing up of loose ends, but the action is still good.

I am now reading Damiano's Lute, the second in a trilogy by R.A. MacAvoy,
author of Tea With the Black Dragon. It's about a lutist named Damiano,
living in Renaissance Italy. He's a "witch", and his lute instructor is
the Archangel Raphael. Don't go away! There is a reasonable plot, and
though Damiano is still a bit of a simp, the writing is well done, and
the characters have some depth. If you read her first novel and found it
interesting but lacking literary depth, as I did, you will be pleasantly
surprised by the Damiano trilogy. If MacAvoy can continue to improve her
prose at this rate, she'll be one of the most noted writers of the coming
few years. I have read so little that was really well done this year, that
at present she has my Hugo vote.
