[comp.lang.pascal] MOUSEFIX.ZIP fix for Desqview bug with TP 6.0

ts@uwasa.fi (Timo Salmi) (04/30/91)

> From: Duncan Murdoch <dmurdoch@watstat.uwaterloo.ca>
> Subject: MOUSEFIX.ZIP - Fix for Desqview bug with TP 6.0 
> To: hv@garbo.uwasa.fi, ts@garbo.uwasa.fi
> Date: Mon, 29 Apr 91 11:11:19 EDT
> Hi Timo.
> I've just uploaded MOUSEFIX.ZIP for the Turbo Pascal directory.  
> This is a quick program I wrote that seems
> to fix problems with a disappearing mouse cursor in the TP 6.0 IDE under
> Desqview; I'm hoping others will try it to see if it also fixes the
> disappearing cursor problem that certain mouse drivers have with TP 6.0.
> It's not a very efficient solution - it's a 27K TSR - but if it works, would
> probably be worth rewriting in assembler.  I imagine the size in assembler
> would be 1K or less.
> Duncan Murdoch

Thank you Duncan,
   The fix is now available as /pc/turbopas/mousefix.zip from
garbo.uwasa.fi archives.

Prof. Timo Salmi
Moderating at garbo.uwasa.fi anonymous ftp archives
School of Business Studies, University of Vaasa, SF-65101, Finland
Internet: ts@chyde.uwasa.fi Funet: gado::salmi Bitnet: salmi@finfun