(derek) (05/03/91)
Horrible! All these solutions of using a shell to redirect output. There are two dos interrupts that allow filehandles to be duplicated. When learning (Microsoft) C, I found two library routines dup and dup2 to be very useful. I dug around abit in the interrupt list etc., and came up with the following unit. This works in 5.0 and I checked that it complied under 6.0. However, the dup/dup2 part _should_ work in any pascal with the appropriate changes to call an interupt. Redirec and unredirec allow easy access to dup and dup2 for standard in and out (input and output are reserved TP words) to a TEXT file that you have previously opened (reset/rewrite/append as appropriate). It must be opened - this allocates a file handle (a byte - you declare this, you'll need it later to get your output back). If you don't unredirec to the right handle you could loose all your output to the file or a black hole - be warned. You could make similar procedures to redirec/unredirec for redirection of other standard handles (3 is printer (LST), 4 I think is STDERR and 5 is AUX aren't they?) Here's the unit: ============================= cut here =================================== {$O+ $F+} Unit DIREC; Interface FUNCTION dup (hand : byte; var error : boolean) : byte; { provides a new handle for an already opened device or file. If error, then the return is the error code - 4 no handles available or 6, invalid handle.} PROCEDURE dup2 (source, destination : byte; var err : byte); { Makes two file handles refer to the same opened file at the same location. The destination is closed first. Err returns 0 if no error or error code as for dup. To redirect then return to normal - do as follows: 1. Use DUP to save the handle to be directed (the source). 2. Assign and rewrite/reset the destination. 3. Redirect the handle using DUP2. 4. Do the exec 5. Use dup2 again restoring the saved handle. 6. reset/rewrite the redirected items & close the destination} Function Redirec (op : boolean; var f:text; var hand : byte) : boolean; {redirects standard out to (if op true) or standard in from file fn. returns handle in handle to be used by undirec, below, and true if successful.} Procedure Undirec (op : boolean; hand : byte); {undoes the redirection from the previous redirec. Assumes file closed by caller.} {////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////} Implementation uses dos; FUNCTION dup (hand : byte; var error : boolean) : byte; Var regs : registers; Begin with regs do begin AH := $45; BX := hand; Msdos (regs); error := flags and fcarry <> 0; {error if carry set} dup := AX; end; End; PROCEDURE dup2 (source, destination : byte; var err : byte); Var regs : registers; Begin with regs do begin AH := $46; BX := source; CX := destination ; Msdos (regs); if flags and fcarry <> 0 {error if carry set} then err := AX else err := 0; end; End; Function Redirec (op : boolean; var f:text; var hand : byte) : boolean; {redirects standard out to (if op true) or standard in from file fn. returns handle in handle to be used by undirec, below, and true if successful.} Var err : byte; error : boolean; Begin redirec := false; err := 0; if op then begin flush (output); hand := dup (textrec(output).handle, error) end else begin flush (input); hand := dup (textrec(input).handle, error) end; if error then exit; {$i-} if op then rewrite (f) else reset (f); {$i+} if ioresult <> 0 then exit; if op then dup2 (textrec(f).handle, textrec(output).handle,err) else dup2 (textrec(f).handle, textrec(input).handle,err); redirec := (err = 0) End; Procedure Undirec (op : boolean; hand : byte); {undoes the redirection from the previous redirec. Assumes file closed by caller.} Var err : byte; Begin if op then begin dup2 (hand, textrec(output).handle, err); rewrite (output) end else begin dup2 (hand, textrec(input).handle, err); reset (input) end end; {undirec} END. ================================= cut here =============================== And here is a sippet of code where I redirect the output of an archiver listing to a temporary file to read back into the program. library: {list an archive means go to an archive mode} begin arcname := nm; {temp o/p file} assign (ft1, tmpdir + fn1); if redirec (op, ft1, handl) then begin {redirect o/p to temp file successful} arclines := NIL; cmd := arcrec.dircmd + ' ' + nm; err := -1; {don't show shell} command (cmd,err); {$I-} close (ft1); {$I+} undirec (op, handl); {now read in the redirected file} get_arc_dir; end end; I hope this will find lots of use in your programs. Best Regards, Derek Carr DEREK@DTS.INE.PHILIPS.NL Philips I&E TQV-5 Eindhoven, The Netherlands Standard Disclaimers apply.