"caius tenche" <caius.tenche@canrem.uucp> (05/06/91)
MP>I need to get my programs, written in Tp5.5, to execute a procedure MP>or flag a variable/address when a run-time error occurs, instead MP>of exiting the program with an error. If, you would like a procedure to be executed when an unexpected (as opposed to the expected kind) run-time error occurs, take a look at the ExitProc variable. ExitProc is a pointer variable that points to an exit procedure. What you need to do is write your own exit procedure and point ExitProc to it. For example. Var ExitSave : pointer (* declare this global variable to *) (* save the original vector *) procedure MyExitRoutine; begin { Here you can insert whatever code you like } ErrorAddress := Ptr (0, 0); (* ErrorAddress is an predefined TP *) (* redirect it to nowhere *) end; begin ExitSave := ExitProc (* save the original exit vector *) ExitProc := @MyExitRoutine; (* point it to you exit routine *) { stick in filler stuff here } ExitProc := ExitSave; (* just before quiting to DOS, *) (* restore the original vector. *) end. Try the code above. I'm doing this from memory, and I might have given you the wrong name for the ErrorAddress variable; check you TP manual on this one. Good luck. Ttyl, Caius UUCP: lsuc!canrem!caius.tenche InterNet: caius.tenche%canrem@lsuc.on.ca --- ? DeLuxe? 1.1 #7470 ? Only use Bat chutes in a real emergency. -- Canada Remote Systems. Toronto, Ontario NorthAmeriNet Host