[comp.lang.pascal] probs with fossil

hunzer@omo.hanse.de (Martin Herbst) (05/21/91)

hi folx,

i am programming a mailbox in tp 5.0 i looked around to find some
good serial routines, and i found async. my problem is (or rather was)
that when i called a external programm and a fossil driver was in memory
the mailbox hung, when the external program was ended.
now i am using different routines which uses directly the fossil.
now i can call external programms without getting into trouble.
but my problem is, when i lock the baudrate at 19.200 baud (i have
a new hst-ds) and enable flow-control (cts/rts handshake)
for the fossil driver, that when users send a string very fast
(e.g. with function keys etc) over the line, only every second
char is recognized :-( but when i have called the online-game
tradewars everything works fine. so i don't want to call tradwars
everytime a user loggs in :-)
the routines i am using only allow baudrates up to 19.200 baud.
anyone who has (better/other) routines ?
anyone out there who can help or is programming serial routines for a
fossil driver? any help is appreciated. tnx in advance.
please mail to my fido address: Martin Herbst of 2:241/2007
or to my Usenet/Internet address: hunzer@omo.hanse.de

c u

Martin Herbst  =8-D                  Sub/Usenet: hunzer@omo.hanse.de
+ [49] (0)40 87 35 14 (voice)        Fido      : Martin Herbst of 2:241/2007
+ [49] (0)40 87 67 33 (v32bis,HST)   Artnet    : HUNZER@OMO
W-2000 HH 55 / Suelld. Landstr. 208  Zerberus  : HUNZER@P_C_H
                             -- no matter what colour, u r still my brother