pwolanin@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Peter M Wolanin) (05/23/91)
Hi everyone, Included below is the Pascal code for a sort algorithm you may be interested in. It was in the April issue of BYTE magazine. It's a non-recursive adaptation of the standard bubblesort, but its speed is proportional to N*ln(N). For a list of 1000 random integers, it took .28 seconds while quicksort took .16 seconds. A very non-optimized bubble sort took 14 seconds (all this with a 386sx-16). Sorry if you've all seen this before, but I don't often read this group. -Peter {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} PROCEDURE Combsort11 ( VAR list :list_type; lo,hi :integer); {pre :list_type is an array of data_type. hi, lo indicate the first and last elements in the list. post: returns the list sorted low to high} CONST shrink = 1.3; VAR gap,current,size :integer; temp :data_type; switches :boolean; BEGIN size:=hi-lo+1; {size of list} gap:=size; REPEAT switches:=false; gap:=TRUNC(gap/shrink); IF gap<1 THEN gap:=1; IF (gap=9) OR (gap=10) {make sure to end w/ series from 11 for max eff.} THEN gap:=11; FOR current:=lo to size-gap DO BEGIN IF list[current] > list [current+gap] THEN BEGIN temp:=list[current]; list[current]:=list[current+gap]; list[current+gap]:=temp; switches:=true; END; END; UNTIL (gap=1) AND (NOT(switches)); END; {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} DON'T PANIC! Only a week and a half more of exams! - Peter Wolanin