[comp.lang.pascal] re exec error

kai@kaiki.toppoint.de (Kai Voelcker) (05/23/91)

Just an idea: if the program call has no success for a long path then
look at your envirement size. If it is not large enough DOS truncates
the varibles incorrectly and unpredictable results can accour.
note: DR DOS does it correctly and you get error messages instead of a
system crash.
 | Kai Voelcker, Kappelner Str 18, D-2300 Kiel 1, voice: +49 431 335605 |
 | kai@kaiki.toppoint.de    interests: 386asm, c, pascal; OR algorithms |
 |   >>>  polite notice: I have to pay for incoming mail. Thanks  <<<   |