[comp.lang.pascal] Borland and IBM project!

TOMJ@csdserver3.csd.scarolina.edu (Thomas E. Jenkins, Jr.) (05/29/91)


  Got this off the ISAAC system.  Thought some will find it VERY


 Forum: Computer Science

IBM and Borland International, Inc. have entered into an agreement in which
Borland will develop specific object-oriented programming languages and
development tools for OS/2* 2.0, a powerful 32-bit advanced operating
system that will be generally available later this year.

The Borland languages and development tools, which will be available early
next year, will bring the advantages of object-oriented development to the
32-bit operating system.  The first object-oriented product Borland will
make available under the agreement is Borland C++ for OS/2.

Object-orientation, an advanced software development technology, enables
computer programmers to build more powerful, reliable and easy-to-use
software that is optimized for specific computer systems.

OS/2 2.0 is the 32-bit, advanced-function operating system developed by IBM
and positioned as the platform of choice for the industry.  It will have the
ability to run DOS, 16-bit Windows** and 16-bit and 32-bit OS/2
applications concurrently under a single operating system, making OS/2 the
"integrating platform."  By exploiting current and future technologies,
such as networking, multimedia and object-oriented programming
environments, as well as 386SX** and higher hardware platforms, OS/2 2.0
protects user investments while moving them into the future.

Together, OS/2  2.0 and Borland C++ will enable software programmers to
develop next-generation software applications for computing in the 1990's.

Additional information on the object-oriented programming languages and
development tools being developed by Borland may be obtained thru IBM
marketing representatives.

*    Trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machine

**   Trademark or registered trademark of Intel Corporation or Microsoft

(This entry provided by IBM)

From ISAAC Thursday 10:26:36 23 May 1991 (New entry)

                  * * *   E n d   o f   e n t r y   * * *

|  Thomas E. Jenkins, Jr.   Programmer, University of South Carolina CSD   |
| BITNET         :  C0361@UNIVSCVM.BITNET  |  CSDNET  :  tomj/csdserver3   |
| INTERNET       :  TOMJ@csdserver3.csd.scarolina.EDU          {PREFERRED} |
|                :  C0361@univscvm.csd.scarolina.EDU  |     |
| FROM Compuserv :  INTERNET:TOMJ@csdserver3.csd.scarolina.EDU {PREFERRED} |
|                :  INTERNET:C0361@univscvm.csd.scarolina.EDU              |